Levi and Jessica have moved to San Antonio to begin their college mission work with Navigators on the campus of University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA). They have been unable to raise full support so are currently looking for part-time jobs to supplement their income. This also means that they do not have health insurance at this time. Levi's medications are extremely expensive so please pray for them!!
They are very excited to be at UTSA fulfilling what God has called them to do. They are working with several student leaders, teaching and encouraging them in their own fulfillment of God's plans.
Levi's band just released a new album titled A House Not Built With Hands. It tells the story of Levi's heart transplant and if you like post-rock music you will love this! You can get it on itunes or bandcamp. The profits from this album are being donated to Levi to help with medical expenses .... so buy two!!