
Nothing in this blog should be taken as medical advice. It is only what we've learned from our experience and research.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Long Day at the Hospital

Levi had his heart transplant evaluation today.  He met with a social worker, a transplant coordinator, a dietitian and had more tests run.  The tests included blood work, an ultrasound of his carotid artery in his neck, a check of the pressure in his legs and a CT of his brain.  He has to go back for an abdominal ultrasound.

He is on the transplant list at a Status 4 -- Status 1 is the most urgent and Status 7 is the least.  We are assuming that means a transplant is not imminent at this time.

With the recent changes in his medication he is feeling pretty good.  Thank you, everyone, for your prayers!