
Nothing in this blog should be taken as medical advice. It is only what we've learned from our experience and research.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Today was Levi's fourth post-transplant heart cath/biopsy/echo checkup.  The doctor's are happy with how things are going.  

Levi has noticed some skipped heartbeats over the past few days but the doctors didn't see anything today so he'll just keep noting when they happen.  They adjusted his medications a little bit again today and reminded him that his immune system is very suppressed so he needs to be careful when around others.  He always wears a mask and carries hand sanitizer with him.  

The doctors also told us today that Levi's kidney is working very well.  In fact, they said it has never tested so well as it is now.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Biopsy results came back at Grade 0 - the best it can be.  Two pounds of extra fluid off.

Monday, December 16, 2019

1st Checkup Visit

Went to the hospital at stupid o'clock this morning for:

Heart cath & biopsy
Removal of staples & sutures
Echo of the heart
Chest x-ray
Medication adjustment

Levi gained 10 pounds of fluid in one week.  The docs said part of the cause is that the heart is not working at full function yet, but is improving.  A diuretic was prescribed to get rid of the fluid.  They don't like to do that because it is hard on his kidney.  

There is fluid in his lungs so not only does he need the diuretic but needs to continue breathing exercises to help the lungs re-inflate when the fluid drains.

When the nurse finished taking out all the staples in the picture below he was leaving and I said, "Levi, don't you have more staples?"  The nurse said, "Oh yeah, I forgot how sick you were."

Removing staples

Morning meds

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Day 10 -- He's HOME!

The nurse told Levi this morning she was going to have him discharged by 1:00 today.  Of course, that made time drag.  Educators from dietary, pharmacy, rehab, social work, etc. all had to make an appearance.  Stitches needed to be taken out.  Paperwork had to be completed.

I was standing out in the hall while sutures were being removed and started listening to the heart failure team who were discussing Levi while they waited, too.  I overheard one say, "I'd like to wait."  Whoa!! 

Me:  "What do you mean "wait"?" 

Doctor:  "Until tomorrow."  He went on to explain to me why he wanted to wait. 

Me:  "I understand.  We want the best, too.  But he is ready to go home so you can tell him, not me."

Doctor:  "That's fine."  Goes into the room.

5 minutes later, he comes back out.

Doctor:  "I caved.  I couldn't say no to those sad eyes."

So, HE'S HOME!! 

He's very tired and hoping to get some good rest now.

Thank you, Everyone, for all the prayers!!  Please, continue to pray for healing and strength.

Day 9 (posting a day late, again)

Hey, Guys -- sorry I've been having trouble keeping up with these posts!

Day 9 (Monday):  All of the tubes and lines were removed and Levi really thought he should be let go.  He is extremely tired of the hospital and bored. 

A friend of theirs brought a friend of hers who is in a quilting guild.  There are about 50 women in this guild and they make quilts for foster kids, sick people, veterans, etc.  They call them prayer quilts because as they tie them, they pray for the person it is for.  They saved a few ties to do with us in the hospital -- it was such a sweet time.  Below is his picture with the quilt and the "label" that was sewn into it. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Days 7 and 8

Day 7 (Saturday) was pretty quiet.  Levi walked laps around the unit twice, had breathing treatments, blood sugar tests, blood pressure tests, etc.  Other than that, he got some rest.

Day 8 (Sunday).  They pulled the "baby" chest tube out today.  They took an x-ray a few hours afterward to see what is happening around the right lung.  No results yet.  They are talking of sending him home tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on what the biopsy tomorrow shows.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Day 6 -- Out of ICU!

The heart pacer wires were removed today and Levi is moved out of ICU!!  He still has one "baby" chest tube to let out the remaining air from around his lungs and a PICC line in his arm.  He has lost 15 liters of fluid and looks like himself again.

Please pray that the recovery continues to be smooth, and for healing.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Day 5

Today was a busy day in Levi's room.  The final 2 chest tubes were removed.  His right lung had compressed some, possibly from those large chest tubes.  A much smaller one was inserted into his chest to get out the last of the air out.

The central line was taken out of his neck and a picc line inserted in his arm.  He can move out of ICU with the picc line but not the central line.

The dressing was removed from where they opened his chest.  It looks as good as something like that can look. 

He walked another 3 laps around the unit. 

There is talk of moving out of ICU in a day or two and possibly going home next week.  He told us this morning, "It seems they want me to go home, like I've overstayed my welcome!"

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Day 4

Levi had some air around his lungs that the doctors said needed to come out.  Therapists came in, got him into the chair and had him do "chair acrobatics" to get it out.  Levi said, "I didn't know I could pass air through the holes in my belly.  Belly farts!"

He then walked 3 laps around the unit.

This afternoon Levi was having some intermittent arrhythmia.   It was determined that his magnesium levels were low.  After getting an infusion of that he then walked six laps around the unit.  Half a mile!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Day 3

Levi spent most of the day sitting up in a chair and he is no longer on a liquid diet.  We watched a doctor remove three (of five) drainage tubes from his chest.  Yikes!  This afternoon he walked two laps around the unit.  He is absolutely amazing!!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Day 2

Levi spent most of the afternoon sitting up in a chair.  He now has a magic pain relief button that has helped a lot.  He also got a heart shaped pillow to hold against his chest when moving / coughing / etc.

He's in a good mood and talkative.  We have to put on gowns, gloves and masks to be in the room with him and can only stay for 15 minutes at a time.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Pray for pain relief

Levi is in quite a bit of pain, as would be expected.  They are controlling it the best they can with meds but please pray for relief.
December 1, 4:25 AM:  The heart is in! Another hour maybe hour and a half of closing things up and finishing up the surgery!  It went well! The heart physically fit well, and the swelling was low enough that they are going to close up his chest, unlike the plan!

1:30 PM:  Levi is still sedated but they are lowering the sedation, starting to wake him up.  The nurse said he is moving his hands and feet when asked to.  She thinks they'll take the breathing tube out in about an hour.

2:30 PM:  The doctor that did Levi's surgery just came by.  He said he's very happy how things went and that Levi is doing very well.  He also showed me a picture of the old heart.

3:10 PM:  He's awake and off the ventilator!  They let Jessica and I go in for about 5 minutes. The nurse said, "We never get them off the ventilator this fast."