
Nothing in this blog should be taken as medical advice. It is only what we've learned from our experience and research.

Monday, December 16, 2019

1st Checkup Visit

Went to the hospital at stupid o'clock this morning for:

Heart cath & biopsy
Removal of staples & sutures
Echo of the heart
Chest x-ray
Medication adjustment

Levi gained 10 pounds of fluid in one week.  The docs said part of the cause is that the heart is not working at full function yet, but is improving.  A diuretic was prescribed to get rid of the fluid.  They don't like to do that because it is hard on his kidney.  

There is fluid in his lungs so not only does he need the diuretic but needs to continue breathing exercises to help the lungs re-inflate when the fluid drains.

When the nurse finished taking out all the staples in the picture below he was leaving and I said, "Levi, don't you have more staples?"  The nurse said, "Oh yeah, I forgot how sick you were."

Removing staples

Morning meds

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